We stand for Creative Entrepreneurs

We answered the question — Why would anyone start a business in the first place?

3 min readMay 26, 2021


Over the past couple of weeks, I have been thinking about the future for Creative Entrepreneurs.

What will the landscape look like for us? What type of entrepreneur will succeed or close shop? What would the world of work look like as we merge out of the pandemic, slowly and every so steadily?

Questions, I have yet to answer for myself as yet. But who doesn’t enjoy a deep dive into the rabbit hole of research to find those answers? I suspect that I enjoy the journey more than the discovery.

With all the articles, podcasts, and youtube videos that are freely available to us, I seem to come to this question over and over again. Why would anyone start a business in the first place?

I fear that we need to understand Why before we can strategically plot our course for the future.

Reflecting back on our journey at Inner Voice Creative we are a completely different organization now than when we have started in 2018. What was once a photographic exhibition organization, creating and hosting exhibitions for St John South Africa, )Lunar and FashionSA, we now purely focused on bridging the gap for our fellow creatives to earn a decent income while leaving a lasting impact on the world.

Our Ethos still remains the same.

We stand for Creative Entrepreneurs

Storytelling is at the core of all big-hearted creative businesses. That’s why it's important for us to walk alongside as many creatives business owners as we can. Giving them a safe space and tools they need to bridge the gap between their income and impact. We understand the importance of the role that creatives have in our world's economy. A role that has been evident in the strategies that have allowed us to thrive during hardship.

Be Brave with your Creativity.

Bravery is 30-seconds of courage in action. By the simple step to act and to think outside the norms, Creative business owners have been able to solve our most pressing pain points. By starting, you ignite the creative flow that allows you the ability to figure things out, to think up new discoveries, and most importantly, plant the seed of impact in the world.

We are here to make money and have dance parties

We are really proud of what we do. Be it through our community, our clarity session, or training projects, we thrive to go beyond the call of duty to deliver the best customer service that we can. In return, we place an industry-standard value on what we do.

We are not for everyone

We are obsessed with exceeding expectations not only for our customers but also for our partners and ourselves. We hold honesty and trust, dear to our hearts. With this in mind, if we feel that we are not the right fit for you, we will be honest and let you know. When mistakes happen, we will take responsibility and do our best to set things straight.

We hold kindness and generosity, dear of all.

PITAs, trolls, and bullies who demonstrate mean-spirited, dishonest, rude, or unkind behavior are not welcome — in our community or as customers. That also extends to any practice of ageism, racism, sexism, or any other ism that’s born from bigotry and hate.

I suspect once you know what is steering your organization, plotting the course will become a little easier.

I started Inner Voice Creative because I wanted to show Creatives that it’s possible to have a for-purpose business and make good money. Our rudder in our ship is walking alongside our creative peers. Once we identified that key component, I feel that answering our initial questions becomes a little easier to answer.

Now I would love to hear from you

Why did you start your business? Please don’t forget to add your company details in your comments so we can share the magic you bring to this world.

For more information about Inner Voice Creative, go to www.innervoicecreative.com and don’t forget to sign up to become an IVC Insider. Your monthly dose of inspiration and information about how to build a business that makes money and impacts the world.



Conversations with Creatives about running a profitable business while amplifying their impact in the world.